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Identifying New Scribes in Old Documents: P.KRU 34 and 55

Jennifer Cromwell

Seiten 49 - 65

Thebes during the early Islamic period provides an excellent opportunity to study the work of Coptic scribes in the main village in the area, Djeme (Medinet Habu). Not only is there a vast amount of written material dating to the 7th and 8th centuries, many documents are signed, allowing the study of the dossiers of individual scribes. At the time of their original publication, some of these scribes were not identified. This includes the men who wrote P.KRU 34 and 55. Re-examination of these papyri corrects this situation, enabling the two men responsible – Paulos son of Kabiou and Shenoute son of Elias – to be added to the growing number of known scribes and writers from this region. This study includes new editions, commentaries, and the first published images of both documents.


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