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Eine weitere r.rḫ=w-Urkunde aus Theben-Ost in der Berliner Papyrussammlung (Ostr. Berlin P. 9462)

Jan Moje

Seiten 117 - 127

Publication of the late Ptolemaic Ostracon Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum & Papyrussammlung P. 9462 from Thebes East. It dates to the 9th regnal year of Ptolemaios IX Soter II and contains a r.rḫ=w contract, an appraisal of the annual harvest tax for fields, following K. Vandorpe’s suggestion. From his riverside fields a tax due of 7,5 artabas wheat is imposed on the farmer Pikos. The responsible officer Psemminis has issued and signed the document; two colleagues have confirmed the process.


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