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A Demotic Version of the Hieratic Offering Formula in P. BM EA 10209, 4/1–20 (Ostracon LACMA M.80.202.200)1

Richard Jasnow, Karl-Theodor Zauzich

Seiten 67 - 93

Publication of Ostracon LACMA M.80.202.200 (Los Angeles County Museum of Art). The Demotic ostracon, which probably dates to the First Century BCE, contains an offering formula found in its fullest form in the hieratic P. BM EA 10209, 4/1–20, but also attested on Graeco-Roman period hieroglyphic stelae. The object is well-preserved and the script itself is clear. However, the scribe displays a fondness for unorthographic spellings which considerably complicate the interpretation of the text.


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